Crabbie Attack Tournament

Crabbie Attack Tournament

In this game, turtles and pizza don't go well together, as turtles Toby and Walton overeat, and end up in a dream where seemingly endless crabbie invaders try to make their slumber a nightmare! It's a unique spin on a shmup where players combine strategy and limited resources to work against a timer and clear each stage. The original release of Crabbie Attack was received really well, but for the Midwest Gaming Classic, our version is going to have something totally unique!

This year, there is an exclusive Midwest Gaming Classic Championships mode! Take 5 minutes to score as many points by defeating all the crabbies you can! Additionally, for the first time ever, we're producing three different variations of the game! Two standard versions, and a limited edition "chase" that a few lucky people might find! (Or, win the Championships to get one!)