Industry Professional Meet & Greet
The gaming trade has a lot of fascinating professionals to meet! Please note - ALL Meet and Greets are included in your admission price, however capacity is limited. For sessions with high demand, we will issue line tickets on a first-come, first-serve basis at the beginning of the signing. Those who step out of line will not be allowed to rejoin. Industry professionals may choose to continue their meet and greets beyond ticketed guests, however this is at their discretion and we make no guarantees.
Guests who are signing items will only sign ONE item, no exceptions. Additionally, guests may choose not to sign certain items for any reason. No items will be provided for signings, although items for purchase may be available.
Please also note, not all industry professionals take place in regular meet and greet sessions. Many have their own tables in Artist Alley or the Vendor Hall. All will be identifiable with Midwest Gaming Classic VIP Event Badges, so if you see someone with one, make sure to introduce yourself and invite them to a game!