Kyzivat, Mike

It is I, it is he, it is we!!! The Dastardly Kyzivat brothers!!!! (Trademark pending). We have resided here at Stern Pinball for many years, lurking in the shadows, making art, writing code, and getting our hands into many a Pinball Pie. Games that include Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Foo Fighters, Deadpool, Guardians of the Galaxy, Rush and Godzilla. In fact, our villainous deeds extend to far more games than can be listed in one quick write up. We also specialize in providing villainous voices for games such as: Star Trek and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
So now you know our nefarious goings on here at Stern Pinball. The next time you play a pinball machine and see some art, get that jackpot, or hear a funny voice, you will know that those dastardly Kyzivat Brothers could have been behind it! It appears that we have run out of room for our tales of misdeeds and boasting… very well, MGC! You win this round, but we’ll be back!! Nyah, ha-haaaaa!!…