Miniature Wargaming

You might have a pile of them, you probably haven't painted them. We know, it's a thing. That's probably why some of the pre-painted miniature games are so popular, and expensive. The good news is, we have them at the show! No, we won't paint them for you. Whether it's Warhammer, Star Wars, Sails of Glory, Marvel, or just classic old school world war games, we've got something for you. The lineup includes Warhammer 40k, Star Wars Legion, Marvel Crisis Protocol, and more! Warhammer 40,000, the thrilling hobby of tabletop wargaming! The game is set in the grim darkness of the far future, where mighty armies clash on countless war-torn worlds and Humanity stands alone, beset on all sides by the threats of the heretic, the mutant and the alien. There is no mercy. There is no respite. Prepare yourself for battle.
Find an opponent, play with friends, watch or learn. All of that and more is possible with Warhammer 40K at MGC! Hang out and talk strategy, paint or learn to paint models, learn to play, or get lucky in a random giveaway. Run by Warpstorm Games & Lounge. Learn More About Warhammer 40K at the MGC