Speed Cubing Intro Event

Speed Cubing Intro Event

Did you know the world record for solving a puzzle cube currently stands at 3.134 seconds? Did you know you could learn the secrets of puzzle solving techniques at the Midwest Gaming Classic? Well you do now! Speed cubing experts will be on hand to teach you their secrets and introduce you to a whole new world of play you probably never thought possible! Relieve some stress, impress your friends, or become a world class speed cuber and compete in tournaments and take a crack at that world record! Open to everybody and all ages!

If you're up for some competition but aren't quite ready to step to Sunday's Midwest Cubing Classic, you can make 5 attempts to solve the supplied 3x3 cube. You will be scored by the average of your solves excluding your fastest and slowest.

This is not an officially sanctioned event, if you’re a “pro” please save your cubing skills for Sunday