Tabletop Stage

Tabletop Stage

All things Tabletop gather on this stage and roll for initiative. Join the Meeples & Wine crew for all this action!


10:00:00 AM Intros - M&W
10:15:00 AM Charles D. Moisant Game Demo/Talk - Either Outer Planet Panic or AutoClash
11:00:00 AM Meeples and Wine Game Review with Voodoo Ranger!
12:00:00 PM Roll For Sandwich
1:45:00 PM Knights of the Dinner Table Live Reading w/ Harold "Wisconsin" Johnson
2:45:00 PM Viva La Dungeon! Demo with The Lich
3:45:00 PM Dan Houser - Getting into the industry as a writer/illustrator, Q&A
4:45:00 PM TBD
6:00:00 PM Ampersand Theater Co.


10:00:00 AM Intros - Daily Hype
10:15:00 AM Chace & Math Dice w/M&W Suzy
11:00:00 AM Roll For Sandwich
12:30:00 PM Charles D. Moisant - Game Demo/Talk - Either Outer Planet Panic or AutoClash also, high visiblity dice.
1:00:00 PM Dan Houser w/ Meeples and Wine - Licenced Games from the 80's
2:00:00 PM TBD
3:00:00 PM Meeples and Wine Game Review
4:00:00 PM Knights of the Dinner Table Live Reading