Midwest Gaming Classic

   at the Wisconsin Center in Milwaukee, WI


November 5-7, 2021

All ages unless noted


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Very Important Gamer

Use the product below to purchase your Very Import Gamer Package with Killer Queen tournament entry.

Please note, this ticket is only good for the November 2021 event and is not a forever ticket.

Your personal contact information will be shared with BumbleBear to register you for the tournament.

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2021 Very Important Gamer Package w/Killer Queen Tournament


All the tickets, all the swag, and exclusive VIG vendor hall access from 9-9:30 on Saturday! Get the ULTIMATE MGC TICKET before it sells out! This ticket is only good for the November 2021 event and is not a forever ticket.  The ticket also includes entry into the Killer Queen tournament.



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Pre-purchase special dated MGC 2021 merchandise to pick up at the show!

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