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Minnich, Terry

As former Tricks of the Trade editor for Electronic Gaming Monthly magazine, the name “Trickman” was well known to video game obsessed kids of the 1990s as being the editor most likely to know all the tricks and publish them in the magazine!

Adams, Scott

Adams is known as the “father of adventure games” for being the first person known to create an adventure-style game for personal computers with his first game, Adventureland. His company, Adventure International, released games for many major computer platforms throughout the 80s. Recently, Scott founded Clopas, the “Puzzle Us Adventure!” company in 2017.

St. John, Jon

It’s time to kick butt and chew bubble gum… and we’re all out of gum! Perhaps best known for his role as Duke Nukem, Jon has voice acted in many games such as Sonic Adventures, Guild Wars 2, Star Trek: Online, World of Warcraft, Counter-Strike, Half-Life: Opposing Force, Rad Rodgers, This is the Police, and […]

Retro Computers

Remember what it was like when you got your first Commodore? Or maybe it was a Tandy? Early Apple computers? Rediscover your past, or learn about what gaming was like in the early days of computers. Explore dozens of different retro computers in the Museum and challenge each other to a networked game of Quake […]

Parish, Jeremy

Jeremy Parish is one of the foremost video game historians, sharing his knowledge through the podcast Retronauts as well as through various books. Make sure to catch his great presentations throughout the show!

Heck, Ben

Ben is a master hacker, engineer and tech hobbyist who has done things that touch nearly every aspect of the show… including naming it in 2002! Ben has hacked consoles to create portable versions of them, created pinball machines that were then manufactured by Spooky Pinball, talked with Dan and Terry Diebold to help fix […]

Wile, Eric

Eric had a major hand in the development of several extremely popular MMO titles such as PlanetSide, Star Wars: Galaxies and Vanguard Saga of Heroes. His crowning achievement is with the popular EverQuest franchise, as he developed EverQuest: Macintosh Edition, earning him the prestigious Sony Achievement award. He is currently in production of his own […]

The Agony and Ecstasy of Steve Jobs

It’s the story of Steve Jobs, Apple, and how the technological society we live in was made–and continues to be made. It’s the story of a generation raised on computing, when a world of mysteries could be found in 64k. Actor Jason Comtpon takes us into a capsule history of a world built through equal […]

Compton, Jason

Jason Compton is an actor with Left of Left Center theater company who portrayed Steve Jobs in Mike Daisey’s monologue The Agony and the Ecstasy of Steve Jobs. We are excited to have Jason join us at the Midwest Gaming Classic to perform this monologue at the convention itself. The production was originally directed by […]